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August 27, 2007

Server Status

Many changes have been made to the Tegrity server. The first change is more efficient downloads. On average there is only a 5 second delay for classes to begin downloading. The second change is disabling of DRM activex controls. This allows for more reliable viewing of downloaded files. The 3rd change relates to load time of webpages on the server. It should be noted that in order to insure Macintosh compatability, we had to reprocess every class currently on the server. This was started at 6:00am. We expect this to be completed by 10:00am. This means that some lectures may not be available until later in the morning or early afternoon. I would like to thank everyone for their continued patience. I would like to note that these problems were not a result of the Tegrity system by itself. There were many contributing factors relating to our implementation specifically. Tegrity has been generous in their offering of support for UCF and have even gone as far to rewrite server code specifically for our school.

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