The latest news from UCF's Center for Online and Virtual Education. We will post important news about the Tegrity server, WebCT, and FEEDS. Scroll to the bottom of the page to subscribe to posts using your favorite RSS reader

Latest News

September 15, 2008

Beta Browsers

Internet Explorer - Use IE6 or IE7
At this time Internet Explorer 8 is in Beta and will not work with Tegrity consitently. Tegrity will update their software only once this version is in Release.

Google Chrome - Don't Use
Google Chrome, also in Beta, will not work with Tegrity. Once again Tegrity will update their software once it is in Release.

Firefox - Use older Only
Tegrity Works inconsistently with V2 and not with V3

Bottom line is use IE7 until browser versions settle to release.

September 07, 2008

No More Skipping!

The PowerPoint Skipping problem has been resolved.

If you are still having difficulties with Tegrity playback please call us at 407-459-4572

September 05, 2008

Tegrity Podcast

The Tegrity Podcast feature will not be available for the next few days. The M4v files are currently making the size of the lecture downloads rather large. Tegrity is aware of the problem and is working on the issue. As soon as the issue is corrected, we will post on the blog to let you know the Podcast feature is available again.

September 03, 2008

Skipping Lectures

We are now fixing all lectures from the first week of classes that had skipping problems. These should be completed by Friday.

September 02, 2008

Tegrity Server UP

Everything is running normally now.

"Why don't I see my lectures then?"

Because we are uploading them continually. Please be patient while they upload and process so that you can view.

September 01, 2008

Tegrity Server Down -> Status Update #2

We are still in the process of uploading lectures.

Tegrity Server Down ->Status Update #1

We have replaced the failed drive and completed the re-install of the Tegrity server. We are in the process of uploading lectures.

Tegrity Server Down

We had a major hardware failure Saturday night. We are working to restore the server. You will unfortunately not be able to view lectures until we fix the server and re-upload the lectures.

June 03, 2008

Tegrity Server Update

The Tegrity Server will be down for the next few hours due to a Tegrity Update. The Server will be up by 6pm.

May 30, 2008

New Tegrity Player

Starting in June we are introducing a new Tegrity Player. The new player will have a new look with some additional features. For the most part it will be the same player you are familiar with using.

For more information on the new player:

February 14, 2008

Power Outage

There is currently a power outage in Engineering III (Harris) where the Tegrity server resides.

Electricians are working on the problem.

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